Data Centre News

Windows 7 reaches the end of its life, meaning you now need to pay for security updates and patches

As of today, January 14, 2020, Windows 7 has officially entered its end of life phase, meaning security updates and patches are no longer...

Windows 7 reaches the end of its life, meaning you now need to pay for security updates and patches

As of today, January 14, 2020, Windows 7 has officially entered its end of life phase, meaning security updates and patches are no longer...

Windows 7 reaches the end of its life, meaning you now need to pay for security updates and patches

As of today, January 14, 2020, Windows 7 has officially entered its end of life phase, meaning security updates and patches are no longer...

Cyberattackers target the City of Las Vegas during CES 2020

The Consumer Electronics Show is the biggest event in the calendar for the City of Las Vegas, with hundreds of thousands of people visiting...

Cyberattackers target the City of Las Vegas during CES 2020

The Consumer Electronics Show is the biggest event in the calendar for the City of Las Vegas, with hundreds of thousands of people visiting...

Cyberattackers target the City of Las Vegas during CES 2020

The Consumer Electronics Show is the biggest event in the calendar for the City of Las Vegas, with hundreds of thousands of people visiting...

Cyberattackers target the City of Las Vegas during CES 2020

The Consumer Electronics Show is the biggest event in the calendar for the City of Las Vegas, with hundreds of thousands of people visiting...

Cyberattackers target the City of Las Vegas during CES 2020

The Consumer Electronics Show is the biggest event in the calendar for the City of Las Vegas, with hundreds of thousands of people visiting...

Cyberattackers target the City of Las Vegas during CES 2020

The Consumer Electronics Show is the biggest event in the calendar for the City of Las Vegas, with hundreds of thousands of people visiting...

Veeam Software acquired by US investment firm, Insight Partners for $5 billion

Veeam Software is known for developing cloud data management and backup solutions, and it seems the company’s success has caught the eye of a...

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